First Trimester Checklist

Your complete to do list from weeks 1 to 13 to get ready for baby!

Get prepared for baby now that you have a positive pregnancy test!


Take a prenatal vitamin. Prenatal vitamins typically have more folic acid and iron in them than regular vitamins.


Cut down on caffeine. While it’s still okay to have your cup of coffee during the day, you probably shouldn’t be drinking 5 cups a day or having an energy drink.


Start drinking lots of water. Some women may experience dizziness and lightheadedness during pregnancy – drinking lots of water and staying hydrated is a good way to help combat this. 


Start using a pregnancy planner! Writing during your pregnancy will not only help you feel more organized and put together, but you’ll be more at ease throughout your pregnancy.


Call to schedule your first appointment! When you call to make your appointment, try to remember the first day of your last period.  


Find childcare. If you’re planning to send your child to daycare or have a nanny, it’s so important to start researching and interviewing child care options as soon as possible.

Don't Miss the rest of the first trimester to do list

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