12 Must Know Tips for  Pumping on the Go

While multitasking might not be your favorite thing to be doing, there’s a mega sense of accomplishment in pumping for your new baby AND doing something else at the same time.

Well, the good news is – pumping on the go can be a breeze with a little preparation and the right tools in your breast pump bag!

Choose a Portable Pump

A portable breast pump, is a good idea for those quick pump sessions in a hotel room or when you need to discreetly pump in a lactation pod. Plus, it doesn’t require a power source, making it perfect for long road trips or flights.

Invest in a Wearable Pump

If you have the ability, I highly recommend checking out a wearable pump, even some of the more affordable choices, as they offer hands-free pumping, allowing you to multitask while pumping. e.

Pack Smart

Create a checklist of the essential items you’ll need in your breast pump bag. Use a quick checklist, like the one linked, to be sure you’re not forgetting something important.

Get a Power Adapter

Be sure to carry a rechargeable battery or extra power source for your electric pump to avoid running out of power during your trip.

Use Quick Cleaning

Amazingly enough, they now make special disinfectant wipes for wiping your pump parts down while on the go when you can’t get to a sink.

Try Milk Stork

If you’re a working mom on the go or planning a long road trip, consider using Milk Stork. It’s a service that helps you ship your pumped milk home so you don’t have to worry about milk storage while traveling.

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