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Trending Post: ✨19 Best IKEA Nursery Hacks
Congratulations! You’re pregnant and about to bring a beautiful bundle of joy (or several) in to this world! Choose your trimester below to find out the best pregnancy tips and tricks to get you through this amazing (yet, totally challenging) time!
The best resources when pregnant!
Child Birth Classes:
Bonus! Use – “JEN10” for 10% off these birth courses
Your pregnancy is measured by weeks and trimesters.
That means that you have (about) 40 weeks until your due date!
Here’s a few quick facts to help you figure out where you are in your pregnancy:
A full term pregnancy is between 39 weeks and 40 weeks 6 days.
**Take note! Your due date is calculated from the first day of your last period – so weeks 1 and 2 you’re technically not even pregnant yet. So you have (about) 38 weeks until baby arrives from your date of conception!**
Trimester breakdown:
The start of your pregnancy! Congratulations! You may be experiencing many signs and symptoms of being pregnant.
You made it! The second trimester is filled with lots of exciting things (like finding out baby's gender, if you want), and is often thought to be the easiest trimester.
By now you know the drill. Your belly is growing, you might be more uncomfortable, but HEY, baby is almost here! Yay!