
Best Stocking Stuffers for Babies (2024)

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Best Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Babies (that aren’t candy!)

Whether you just had a baby of your own, or you’re trying to come up with stocking stuffers for the babies in your life, you’ve come to the right place.

While it can be fun to give treats, most parents (especially those of babies) probably prefer you give stocking stuffers that aren’t candy to their baby.

This ultimate list of stocking stuffer ideas for babies has everything from fun to practical gifts. And…most of these baby stocking stuffer ideas are not food – which means they’ll last a lot longer too!

Are you looking for stocking stuffers for a toddler instead? Check out these can’t miss toddler stocking stuffers.


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My Favorite Baby Stocking Stuffers Ideas (for under $10!)

Before we get into the ultimate list of stocking stuffers for babies, I want to share a few of my favorite stocking stuffers for babies that are under $10.


  1. Baby Rattle – This rattle is so cute. From the textures, to the rattle beads, it’s perfect for little ones ready to explore!


2. Baby Teether & Toothbrush – Your baby will LOVE to hold and chew on this little toothbrush teether!


3. Fisher-Price Poppity Pop Turtle – This fun turtle’s colorful bouncing balls, shiny reflections & fun popping sounds, all help to encourage your baby to push & crawl-along with this cute little turtle!


4. Baby Crinkle Book – This sweet, chewing friendly, interactive book is perfect for little hands!


5. Sleepy Time Bath Gift Set – This sweet, gift set is perfectly practical for babies this Christmas.


6. Ice Teether Keys – Not only do babies love keys, but they love textures! These keys are also perfect for little hands and can be popped into the freezer to help soothe teething babies.


7. Disney Baby My First Christmas (Disney Touch and Feel) – Books are always a good idea. They’re an even better idea when they can be interactive for kids, like this touch and feel baby’s 1st Christmas book!


8. The First Christmas: Lift-a-Pop Board Book – A great story about the first Christmas for your little one, with fun lift the flaps!

9. Baby’s First Christmas Ornament – In my opinion, I think every baby needs a baby’s first Christmas ornament. I love the simplicity of this one!

10. Christmas Socks and Bibs – a sweet little Christmas staple for baby!

Ultimate List of Stocking Stuffers for Babies (35+ Ideas!)

  1. Christmas Outfit
    A Christmas outfit is about as cute as it gets. From either a complete Christmas dress or suit, to a cute Christmas t-shirt. Check out Etsy and Amazon for some unique and customizable options!
  2. New Christmas Jammies
    I’m a momma who loves snuggling a baby in jammies. And new CHRISTMAS jammies? I have all the heart eyes!
  3. Bandana Bib
    Is your baby a drooler? Pick up some of these adorable bandana bibs while you can!
  4. Headbands & Bows
    Can a girl ever have to many headbands and bows to accessorize with?
  5. Teethers
    From the super popular Sophie Giraffe to my favorite berry pacifiers – your little one is bound to need one (or two!) of these.
  6. Rattle
    Did you know a rattle is still likely to be one of the first toys your baby can figure out and play with? Grab a cute one and stick it in baby’s Easter basket!
  7. Nose Frida
    Okay, this stocking stuffer for baby may be more for you than your baby. But man – does it work wonders! I promise, it’s not as gross as you think 😉
  8. Swaddle Blanket
    A soft, cozy swaddle all wrapped up is the perfect gift to throw in your baby’s Christmas stocking.
  9. Lovey
    Depending on your baby’s age, he or she may be ready for a lovey – find a cute one and add it to the fun!
  10. Peek A Boo Elephant
    I’ve had my eye on this sweet elephant for a while now. Just watch the video and I dare you to tell me it’s not the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. My toddler LOVES that it plays peek a boo and he can’t stop smiling around it.
  11. Stuffed Animal
    Can you have too many stuffed animals? Yes. Yes you can. BUT – if your little one hasn’t acquired a big collection yet, one more doesn’t hurt, right?
  12. Yogurt Bites
    Name brand or generic – these were one of our baby’s favorite treats.
  13. Puffs
    Puffs are a great option for babies just starting to eat solids.
  14. Sippy Cup
    A fun sippy cup for your toddler can help encourage water drinking, while being stylish at the same time. We opt for the straw ones, like this, to help develop those motor skills!
  15. Suction Cup Bowls
    Tired of your baby’s bowl tipping over – these suction cup bowls and plates might just be a lifesaver.
  16. Board Bible
    It’s Christmas and time to celebrate – I love this board book Bible – it even has lift the flaps!
  17. Christmas Board Books
    They make some super cute Christmas books – and when they’re interactive? I love them even more for my little one!
  18. Board Books
    Did you know that the more books you have in your house, the more likely your child is to be a better reader? That’s without even reading the books. So bring on the books!
  19. Pacifiers
    If your baby uses a pacifier, this can be a great time to restock your stash.
  20. Pacifier Clips
    If you’ve been using a pacifier without a clip – trust me – it’s time to invest. They have some adorable designs!
  21. Car Seat Toys
    Make riding in the car more fun for your baby with an attachable car seat toy.
  22. Cars
  23. Snack Catcher
  24. Tooth brush
    If you have a baby – try the banana toothbrush. It doubles as a teether too! We found that as our baby grew to be a toddler however, he much preferred a fun toothbrush like this.
  25. Bath Toys
  26. Bath Letters – my baby LOVES pulling these off the side of the tub and chewing on them
  27. Light Up Bath Toys
  28. Sensory Ball
  29. Inflatable Baby Water Mat
  30. Squeeze Baby Blocks
  31. Geometric Stacker Block Set
  32. Fun Animal Theme Growth Chart Ruler
  33. Portable Musical Instrument
  34. Stacking Cups
  35. My First Holiday Belly Stickers
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Stocking Stuffers for Babies

Do you have more ideas for baby stocking stuffers? I’d love to see your best stocking stuffers in the comments below – pictures or ideas are welcome!

Related: Can’t Miss Stocking Stuffers for Toddlers

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