
Power Pumping: How to Increase Milk Supply Fast

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Using Power Pumping to Increase Your Breast Milk Supply

If you’ve struggled with trying to pump more breast milk, power pumping (aka cluster pumping) just might be the perfect answer for you!

There’s a good chance that in only a few days, you can increase your breast milk supply by power pumping. 

Do I have you intrigued yet?

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Why I Needed To Start Power Pumping To Boost Milk Supply

As a working mom, I had to pump while I was away from my baby.

While I really didn’t mind pumping, I constantly was wondering if I was going to pump enough breast milk to keep up with my baby.

And you know what? I wasn’t.

Daycare called and told me that my baby was drinking more and more milk and they wanted to increase the amount they were giving him.

I was devastated.

I was previously just making the cut and making the exact amount of breast milk my baby needed while he was at daycare.

I knew I couldn’t magically start making more!

And it sucked.

But I was determined to try anything to pump more breast milk.

Related: #1 Free Way to Pump More Milk

Related: 15+ Delicious Milk Boosting Lactation Recipes

Pumping Isn’t As Efficient As Breastfeeding

Did you know that many moms struggle with pumping enough milk?

And it actually makes total sense why!

Chances are good that if you were previously breastfeeding your baby, you won’t be pumping the exact same amount your baby was eating.

So what’s the deal?

Your baby is the most effective “pump” there is.

That means that if your baby has a good latch, and has breastfeeding all figured out, no breast pump out there is going to compare and be able to extract milk as well as your baby.

While this is an amazing ability, it totally stinks when you’re trying to keep up with your milk guzzling mini me.

So if you have low milk supply, how can you keep up?

One great answer is power pumping.

What Is Power Pumping/Cluster Pumping?

Power pumping is the process of pumping breast milk very frequently in a short amount of time.

The idea behind power pumping is that by pumping more often, you’ll be simulating the process of a baby cluster feeding.

Hence the common name “cluster pumping”.

Except this time, you get to control when and for how long the nursing session lasts.

How Does Power Pumping Work?

A common question regarding power pumping, is how does it work to increase your milk supply?

When you power pump, you’re telling your body that it needs to produce more breast milk.

Since breast milk production is based on supply and demand, this increase in demand will send signals to your hormones to create more breast milk. 

If you’ve been good at emptying your breasts at each pumping session, you will probably not see an increase in your supply for a few days.

Your body needs to receive the signals to make more breast milk before it automatically does it.

When your baby, or in this case your pump, is continually nursing, it’s telling your body to make more milk.

This is also why it’s so important to never skip a pumping session! A skipped session can result in a decrease in your milk supply.

Supply and demand is an extremely important concept for new moms hoping to increase their milk supply naturally to understand.

These breastfeeding basics will help you learn the ins and outs of how breastfeeding works in no time!

How Long Should I Pump to Increase Milk Supply?

Figuring out how long to pump to increase milk supply can be tricky.

Every person is different.

What you can do to figure it out is determine when your breasts are fully empty. For most women this will take about 20 minutes.

Cluster Pumping builds on this idea by allowing your body to have made a small amount of breast milk, before pumping again 10 minutes later.

Some women may find that they don’t need to complete the entire power pumping cycle, but instead can simply add 10 minutes to their regular pumping session to signal to their body to make more milk.

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How Do You Power Pump?

Power pumping can sound intimidating. But with the right mindset, a comfortable chair, and an easy to follow flowchart, you’ll be power pumping in no time!

Power Pumping Schedule

1. Set aside 1 hour of time just for pumping. Don’t forget to give yourself a little extra time to clean up the bottles and properly store your breast milk.

2. Get comfortable and set up your breast pump.

3. Begin by pumping simultaneously on both sides for 20 minutes.

4. Take a 10 minute break.

5. Pump for 10 minutes.

6. Take a 10 minute break.

7. Pump for 10 minutes.

Power Pumping Boot Camp

Don’t be afraid to put yourself on a power pumping boot camp.

Remember that many women need to power pump for 2-7 days before they start seeing results!

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For more on Power Pumping and other pumping tips – check out Pumping 101!

How Long Does Power Pumping Take?

While power pumping takes just over an hour to complete, most women will need to have one power pumping session every day for 2-7 days.

When you reach your desired level of breast milk supply, you can stop your daily power pumping sessions.  

It’s important to remember that you need to empty your breasts completely each time you pump to maintain your current breast milk supply.

If you don’t, your supply may drop or return to your pre-power pumping amount as your body doesn’t think it needs to be making as much milk. 

Keep in mind that for some women, power pumping will drastically increase their milk supply. However, for others it simply may not work.

If you’re really struggling to increase your milk supply, more options are discussed at the end of this article. It’s also a great idea to talk with your doctor or lactation consultant. 

When Is The Best Time to Do Power Pumping?

Choosing when to power pump is extremely important.

You want to be sure that you don’t run out of breast milk for when your baby is hungry and ready to nurse again.

You’ll find the best time to do power pumping is right after your baby finishes nursing. This way your body will have time to build up a supply for the next time your baby is ready to eat – typically a couple hours later.

Just in case your baby does decide he wants to eat after you’ve just finished pumping, don’t worry! You have a few options.

You can give him some of the fresh milk that you’ve just pumped, some from a freezer stash, or formula if you use both formula and breast milk.

**Don’t forget though, now you’re missing out on an added nursing session that could be helping increase your milk supply!


Tips to Have A Good Power Pumping Session

While the process of power pumping is pretty straightforward, there are a few great tips you can use to have more success with your power pumping session.

1. Relax and get comfortable at your lactation station

A huge part of having a good breast milk supply is being relaxed. If you’re stressed and worried, your body responds to that and actually produces less breast milk.

Instead, listen to some relaxing music, watch videos or look at pictures of your baby, and just take it easy.

Using a hands-free bra can also be your best tool during power pumping sessions. It allows you to multitask while pumping – without having to worry so much about how much you’re producing. 

Your milk will start to flow faster with a quicker let down and you’ll be more likely to have a more successful pumping session.

2. Be well hydrated

You’re about to put your body through some extra hard work.

Make sure you’re well hydrated and have a water bottle nearby for your pumping session.

I remember getting SO thirsty every time I pumped, I almost couldn’t take it if I didn’t have my water bottle.

If you’re looking for a great water bottle to use to increase your water intake, look for large ones that you don’t have to fill as often.

This helps you easily keep track of how much water you’ve had and you can worry about refilling less often.

If water isn’t your thing, look for a water bottle that infuses fresh fruit to help you find a flavor you actually enjoy!

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3. Make sure you eat enough calories to keep up with breastfeeding

It’s a well known fact that breastfeeding and pumping burns some major calories. However, your body NEEDS those calories to be able to make more breast milk.

If you’re dieting and not taking in enough calories power pumping may not work for you.

You need to have a good balance of calories in to be able to produce the amount of breast milk that you may be looking for.

For more info on losing weight, but not losing your milk supply – find out why you’re not losing weight while breastfeeding

4. Opt for a morning pumping session if possible

If you’ve ever woken up with sore breasts you know this to be true – you feel like you have more breast milk in the morning.

And it’s not just your imagination!

The time most women have the most abundant breast milk supply is in the morning.

While it may not be possible due to you and your baby’s busy schedule, opt to do your power pumping session in the morning if you can.

You’ll be more likely to pump more breast milk and may feel more confident in the process of power pumping. 

5. Make sure your breast pump fits you and you know how to use your pump

Learning how to properly use your breast pump is key to pumping more breast milk and increasing your milk supply, especially when it comes to power pumping.

Most pumps have options to speed up the suction and adjust the pattern at which your pump pulls out breast milk. 

Many women wrongly assume that if you want the best pumping session, you should put your settings on the fastest suction.

Instead, the best setting is the one that mimics your baby’s eating habits.

If your baby is a fast nurser, the fastest setting may be right for you. But if your baby nurses and sucks more slowly, a less vigorous setting may be best. 

It takes a little trial and error, but feel free to experiment with your pump to find out what settings are going to give you the best results!

Remember that breastfeeding and pumping shouldn’t hurt. If you have more questions about how to use your breast pump, consult your manual or look at Medela’s guide on how to use your pump online. 

Do Your Pump Parts Fit YOU?

You’ll also want to be sure that your pump parts actually fit you.

Believe it or not a pump does not come with parts that are one size fits all. Instead, it comes with pump parts that fit most women.

Don’t feel bad if the flange on your pump is not the right size for your nipples, it’s common for many women to have to buy replacement pump parts.

Look at some sizing charts for your breast pump’s brand and order the right size.

You’ll be surprised to find out how much more breast milk you can pump when your breast pump fits you!

To find out if your pump is fitting you correctly, check out this guide to a proper fitting breast pump.

6. Warm Compresses

Consider using a warm compress before pumping, a hot shower, or even these LaVie warming lactation massagers

The warmth can help open up blood vessels and get things flowing more easily! 

Sometimes warmth can also provide comfort, another thing we know aides in milk supply. 

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How often should you power pump to increase milk supply?

So how often do you actually need to power pump to see an increase in supply? 

While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, most lactation specialists recommend doing power pumping for at least 2-3 days in a row.

 This short-term strategy can give your body a little nudge to produce more milk and meet your baby’s demands.

How much will power pumping increase supply?

While I hate to say it, the results you see from power pumping will vary from mom to mom. 

Some might see a significant increase, while others may notice just a little bit of extra milk. 

Remember, our bodies are unique, and there are a number of reasons why some moms may have a lower supply in the first place. 

How long does it take breasts to refill after power pumping?

Wondering how long it takes for your breasts to refill after power pumping?

It’s important to remember that breastmilk production is a supply and demand system. 

The more demand we place on our lactating breasts, the more they’ll produce. 

So, after your power pump session, it’s generally a good idea to wait until your next feeding before pumping again.

Your body is never truly “empty” as it’s always working to re-supply the breast milk that was removed, however, once you finish pumping you’ll certainly feel less full and have less milk. 

If you’re feeding baby at the breast and want to be sure you have enough milk, I’d recommend starting your power pumping sessions right after your baby finishes a nursing session with you. This way your body will have time to “refill” before baby needs to eat again.

What are the best times to pump to increase milk supply?

If you’re hoping to increase your milk supply there are certain times that may be the most ideal to pump to increase milk supply. 

Keep in mind that these times will vary depending on how you feed your baby. 

Are you exclusively pumping? 

Are you only pumping while at work and nursing baby when you’re home? 
Are you only pumping when you feel you need to increase your milk supply?

The general rule is to pump around the same time your baby cluster feeds. These are those periods when your little one seems to be attached to your breast all day long. Pumping during those times can help signal your body to produce more milk and match your baby’s growing appetite.

However, if you’re nursing your baby during this time, DO NOT quit nursing during a cluster feed to pump. Believe it or not, your baby is typically more efficient than even a double electric breast pump, so baby is still going to be sending those good signals to your body to make more breast milk to keep up!

Will I produce more if I pump more often?

The general rules of breastfeeding supply and demand says yes! If you pump more often, you’ll produce more breast milk since you’re telling your body that baby needs it. 

Regular pumping sessions, even short ones, can signal your body to produce more milk. But remember, it’s essential to find a balance that works for you. 

Overdoing it can sometimes lead to sore nipples and even affect your mental health.

This being said, there can be other medical reasons that you may have low supply, so be sure to talk with your doctor or a lactation consultant to determine what’s really going on and the best way for your to get adequate milk removal for your baby. 

Does power pumping count as one session?

Yes, power pumping absolutely counts as a pumping sessions!  

Power pumping is essentially a more intense pumping session, to help boost your milk supply. 

So if you usually pump for 15 minutes, doing a power pump for 10 minutes, followed by a 10-minute break, and then another 10-minute session, would be considered one complete pump session.

Will power pumping twice a day increase supply?

What if you want to take it up a notch and try power pumping twice a day? 

Well, it just might be a good idea for some moms, especially those who exclusively pump. Power pumping twice a day could lead to great results in increasing supply, especially when done consistently over a couple of days or even weeks. 

That said, keep in mind that power pumping more than once a day is A LOT of pumping. If you feel discomfort or just can’t keep up, once per day should still yield you some positive results. 

Tips to Increase Your Milk Supply

Power pumping can be a powerful technique to increase breastmilk supply, especially during those challenging times of growth spurts. 

It may not have hard rules, but it’s worth trying out for a short period of time to see if it works for you. 

Remember, every breastfeeding mom’s journey is different, and what matters most is finding a routine that suits you and your baby’s needs.

While power pumping is just one way to help increase your breast milk supply, there are several others.

From supplements, to lactation recipes and drinks, and even some cool little manual pumps – you have options! 

If you ever feel like your baby isn’t getting enough breast milk or you’re extremely uncomfortable, talk with your doctor or International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. They can provide personalized advice and support based on your specific situation. 

Remember that a fed baby is best, whether that means formula or breast milk.

For more on Power Pumping and other pumping tips – check out Pumping 101!


Power Pumping: How to Increase Milk Supply Fast

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