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The Best Foods To Eat While Pregnant: Pregnancy Super {Snack} Foods

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best foods for breastfeeding: yogurtPin

Pregnant and feel like you’re starving? Finding the best foods to eat while pregnant can be tough, especially with pregnancy cravings and aversions.

While you definitely don’t wanting to be eating twice as much (check out more on how much you should be gaining here), you should be eating to help nourish a growing baby!

To promote healthy weight gain during pregnancy, try reaching for some of these delicious healthy pregnancy snacks.

Even if you’re the pickiest eater, you’ll be able to find something you like on this list! (I’m raising my hand as part of the picky eater club, yet my kids still eat vegetables like nobody’s business – woohoo!)

Feeling nauseous? I’ve got you covered, momma!

The American Pregnancy Association suggests that frequent snacks are a GREAT option for pregnant moms with nausea, morning sickness, or acid reflux. Smaller meals or snacks more often, rather than big meals all at once, can help relieve some of these common symptoms. 

Visit Pregnancy Weight Gain for more details on suggested weight gain.

If you’re looking for great recipes specially made for pregnant mommas – this one is easily my favorite and you can get 10% off with code JEN10


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The Best Foods to Eat While Pregnant



Among the best foods to eat while pregnant are bananas. Bananas are super nutrient rich! You and your baby will be getting Vitamin B6 and potassium from your banana treat. Vitamin B6 is key for baby’s neurological development.

Snack Ideas: smoothies, on their own


Berries are such an easy on the go snack. They’re also full of Vitamin C, fluids, folate, fiber, and potassium.

Snack Ideas: mixed berries, smoothies

Best foods to eat while pregnant - fruitPin



On the list of vegetables avocados are typically considered a super food. It’s no difference when it comes to the list of best foods to eat while pregnant. Avocados are a super healthy fat. They contain some pretty awesome vitamins and minerals as well. They have folate, Vitamins A, B, C, K, and E, iron, and potassium. There are ample articles out there about how great avocado is for you (it’s also a great first food for your baby during BLW). However, keep in mind to not overeat it, as it is higher in calories.

Snack Ideas: slice it and it alone, spread on toast, make a hummus or dip for crackers


Those green veggies are more than just pretty. They offer so many vitamins and nutrients! Broccoli helps provide Vitamin A for the body (which in turn helps your baby’s vision), while also having folate, fiber, calcium and more!

Snack Ideas: steam it, bake it with garlic powder, or eat it raw


Again with the greens! Green leafy vegetables are good for you any time, but especially while you’re pregnant. Spinach has Vitamin A (for baby’s eyesight), folate, potassium, antioxidants, calcium, and of course, fiber.

Snack Ideas: smoothies

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes have lots of Vitamin C, fiber, B6, and folate. The Vitamin A and potassium your body gets from a sweet potato is also beneficial!

Snack Ideas: baked, cooked, or sliced


Lentils, beans, and chickpeas are a great source of protein, calcium, zinc, iron, and folate.  

Snack Ideas: hummus and crackers

Best foods to eat while pregnant -veggiesPin



Cheese is a great source of protein and calcium! Be sure you’re eating pasteurized cheeses and not soft cheeses.

Snack Ideas: cheese sticks, cheese and crackers


You better believe that yogurt made the list of best foods to eat while pregnant. Yogurt contains probiotics that will help keep your gut healthy. In addition, yogurt is full of calcium and protein that you and your little one need!

Snack Ideas: eat it plain or add some fresh fruit

Best foods to eat while pregnant - dairyPin



Eggs are a great source of protein! They also have vitamins and minerals that will help your baby grow and develop. Depending on the brand of eggs you buy, they may even contain omega-3s.

Snack Ideas: omelette, hard boiled, scrambled eggs


Looking for those omega-3s that are talked about that may help with brain development? Nuts are the secret to getting them! Nuts also contain healthy fats, protein, fiber, and magnesium.

Snack Ideas: alone, with yogurt

best foods for breastfeeding: nutsPin

Whole Grains

Fortified Cereals/Whole Grains

Fortified cereals are often full of folic acid, iron, B vitamins, zinc, and fiber.  

Snack Ideas: cereals, toast and peanut butter, whole wheat crackers or popcorn


Oatmeal is full of fiber that will keep you feeling more full for longer! Oatmeal also has many of the same nutrients as other whole grains – such as folic acid and iron.

Snack Ideas: overnight oats, smoothie, on its own with milk

Best foods to eat while pregnant - grainsPin



Milk is loaded with calcium that is good for you and your baby’s bones! It also has Vitamin D, Vitamin A, and B vitamins.

Snack Ideas: poor over cereal, smoothies, or overnight oats

Orange Juice

Hello, Vitamin C and folate! I craved orange juice during my pregnancy. Orange juice has many helpful vitamins and minerals.

Snack Ideas: smoothies, frozen as a popsicle


Combine some of the great foods we’ve discussed (berries, spinach, bananas, orange juice, or milk) and make a pregnancy superfood smoothie. This can be great to sip on throughout the day.


While water isn’t your typical super food, it does do wonders for your body – especially while pregnant. This is why it shouldn’t be forgotten in our list of the best foods to eat while pregnant.

Be sure you’re drinking enough water to stay hydrated (2 liters is typically what’s recommended – keep track with your pregnancy planner!). Keep a large water bottle close and set goals throughout your day to ensure you meet the recommendations.

Best foods to eat while pregnant - drinksPin

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Remember that not all foods are fair game during pregnancy! You may have to fight some pregnancy cravings to help keep yourself and your baby healthy.

Pregnancy nutrition is huge and you can help set your baby on a great start by choosing from these best foods to eat while pregnant (while your baby is still in utero!). How cool is that?

Sign up for our emails below and grab your list of Pregnancy Foods to Avoid or read my post to catch up on the 9 Delicious Foods You Need To Avoid During Pregnancy, to help keep your nutrition on track.

Are you looking for a cookbook specially made for pregnant mommas? This one is easily my favorite and you can get 10% off with code JEN10

Download your free list of foods to avoid + pregnancy checklists:


I wish I had done a better job of documenting my first pregnancy! Check out this awesome Pregnancy Journal {that you can print instantly} to help you keep track of all the special moments during your pregnancy.

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Looking for a list of Best Foods to Eat While Pregnant and Foods to Avoid? This ultimate list of healthy pregnancy foods will help you have a healthy pregnancy!Pin

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